Top 5 Must Read Books for 2023
In 2022, Rob and I read books that weren't just filled with inspiring ideas, but real tactical business, wealth and life advice. Books that created a real change in our daily life, financial blueprint and business goals. As we kick off 2023, we wanted to share some of our favorites with you. So here we go.
479. Top 5 Mistakes When Creating A Vision Board
Vision boards are a great way to focus on your goals and manifest the life you want for yourself. However, there are some common pitfalls that we have seen repeatedly when helping others create a vision board. Most of these pitfalls revolve around the mindset that you take when you approach the process. A few changes to your approach can make your vision board much more likely to come to fruition. Vision boards can be incredibly powerful tools if used correctly so tune in to learn what to avoid while crafting yours! Affiliate Link for the Push Journal: https://www.pushjournal.com/?rfsn=5177935.54132f&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=5177935.54132f Discount code for the Vision Board Course: fridate25 Get Additional Private…
The Most Effective New Years Ritual
The New Year rituals provokes many to reflect on the past 365 days progress, which almost certainty went by too quickly. And to also project what goals should be accomplished in the upcoming year. Many have goal setting rituals, vision board parties and maybe choose their annual “word”. The intention for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year is there, but there’s one thing that can stand in the way of your future success and it’s… YOU. In 2005, Rob and I were in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on New Years Eve when we created a NEW New Year ritual. We were having all these same conversations triggered by the…
478. Avoid These 4 Behaviors for a Thriving Relationship
It is easy to get bogged down in your own unhappiness and try to direct it onto someone else in your life, particularly a partner. Rob and Kim discuss John Gottman’s research on marriage, regarding this behavior and how it tends to create tension and ultimately can take the form of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse – Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling. We need to be aware of these pitfalls and work on overcoming them within ourselves. After all, we cannot change anybody else but all of us have control over ourselves. Instead of expending energy on tinkering with fixing our spouse, think about developing self-awareness and making improvements…
477. Supporting Your Spouse is the Key to Your Next Chapter
Moving on to your next chapter can be an uneasy, yet exciting, experience, especially in a scenario where either you or your spouse wants a shift in their career. Rob and Kim share their experience having gone through this process over the past few years. After crossing off quite a few items on their bucket list when they were younger and Rob working a day job that he now dreaded, Rob and Kim were focused on moving on to their next chapter. With Rob being the primary source of income, they were feeling torn between maintaining financial security and living the life they wanted. Rob and Kim found it essential…
476. Ditch the Stressed American Entrepreneur Mindset for a Happier Life
Being an entrepreneur doesn’t necessarily mean constantly hustling and stressing. In fact, it’s quite the opposite that can be more beneficial in the long term. Rob and Kim moved from hustle-and-bustle Los Angeles to far more leisurely Italy. They noticed a huge difference in Rob’s work-life balance that allowed him to better connect with his family, friends, and himself. Wanting to extinguish the message of an “American Stressed Entrepreneur” being the norm, Rob and Kim suggest making time for yourself by going through a “life inventory”. This process helps you identify your passions and joys, so you can prioritize tasks accordingly and make sure your schedule allows time for both…
475. Aligning Your Financial Mindset with That of Your Spouse
Rob and Kim’s relationship was put to the test when it came to finances. Coming from completely different backgrounds, one emphasizing spending freely while the other preached thriftiness, both had some adjusting to do if they were going to ride off into a financially sound sunset together! After putting in hard work to understand their individual mentalities around money, Rob shares three game-changing approaches that allow him to compromise on his free-spending ways to make common ground with Kim. Their commitment has been inspiring–proving there is hope for any couple divided over financial differences! Family Gratitude Journal: https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B0BH8RQXGP Find all of the Books Referenced in Our Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/kimmurgatroyd Get Additional Private…
The 3 Reasons Your Vision Board Fails
A Vision Board is a great tool to create and manifest something into your life. However, did you know that 92% of people do achieve the goals the put on the Vision Board? It’s not for lack of intention, it’s simply that people don’t understand HOW a Vision Board and manifesting actually work. Yet, year after year, they try again, repeating the same mistakes. Here are the top 3 reasons your Vision Board is failing to manifest (and how you can fix it!). The #1 Reason Your Vision Board Doesn’t Work: It lacks VISION You grabbed a stack of magazines, poster board and glue. You had a glass of wine,…
Create a Better Marriage with 7 Questions
A better marriage requires you and your spouse to grow together. After close to two-decades together, I can honestly say that we have a better marriage now, than during the honeymoon period. Whereas, in many of my friend’s relationships, they’ve grown apart. There are obviously a lot of reasons people grow apart, but to have a better marriage you need to stay connected outside of daily schedules, duties with the kids and the stresses of life. Our #1 Strategy for a Better Marriage Over the last 18 years, once, maybe twice a week, over coffee or on a walk, we have asked each other 7 questions. These questions were created…
Do you have a Growth Mindset or Fixed Mindset
One of the most impactful books I’ve ever read is Mindset by Carol Dweck. In this book, she explains real-world differences between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset. Your mindset is the view you adopt and see the world and your experiences through. It profoundly effects how you live your life. She also talks about the strategies she used herself to go from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset. The good news is, if you (or your kids) have a fixed mindset, you CAN change that! Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Here are some examples I took from the book that can easily explain the difference between a…