Stop asking your kids “How was your day?” Do this instead.
As parents, our connecting with our kids is a priority. Especially as they enter the tween/teen years, that bond and open communication is even more important. But, it’s not always easy. They say the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” I found that asking my kid “How was your day?” drops squarely inside that category. I get it; the question seems fair and should have a simple reply. The operative word here is “should.” Most parents know that the answer unfailingly to that question is, “Fine” or worse, “I don’t know.” followed by, “Can I go play on my…
Do you have a Growth Mindset or Fixed Mindset
One of the most impactful books I’ve ever read is Mindset by Carol Dweck. In this book, she explains real-world differences between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset. Your mindset is the view you adopt and see the world and your experiences through. It profoundly effects how you live your life. She also talks about the strategies she used herself to go from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset. The good news is, if you (or your kids) have a fixed mindset, you CAN change that! Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Here are some examples I took from the book that can easily explain the difference between a…
How to Stop the Negative Emotional Spiral
What is a Negative Emotional Spiral The negative emotional spiral is something we’ve all experienced. You wake up late, stub your toe on the bedpost, spill your coffee on your shirt, hit all the red lights and get into the office utterly irate and it’s not even 9am yet. We’ve all had a day like this, right? Children, like adults can get stuck in a negative emotional spiral too. Your child comes home from school in a bad mood. You ask What’s wrong? , which just sets them off more. They stomp up the stairs to the house and slam the door. You snap at them, they snap back. Sound…
Meditation Benefits, Why Meditate and My Resources
Meditation benefits are endless. I know, you “can’t” meditate. So how the F do you expect your child, who can’t sit still through dinner make it happen? Five years ago, I would’ve said the EXACT same thing. In fact, I did. It wasn’t for a lack of trying. I’d sit in the mediation pose and boom… thought… another thought… a thought Olympics, then, I’d quit. Now, I can sit in a quite or even a noisy and meditate easily. So, what’s the difference? I HAD TO UNDERSTAND THE WHY BEHIND MEDITATION Like most things in life, everything shifted when the WHY was bigger than the WHY NOT. I was an…
Gratitude Practice for Kids: My 5 Top Tips
Gratitude is not just “positivity”. Actually, it is a scientific fact, proven in psychology research, that gratitude is strongly associated with greater happiness. Implementing a gratitude practice for kids could be one of the most important things you can do. What are the real benefits of practicing gratitude? According to a recent Harvard Study, “Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.” If people who practice Gratitude have been shown to have higher levels of happiness and optimism, better sleep, less stress and an improved ability to cope with stress; why wouldn’t you want to start a gratitude…